Conscious Leadership Summit

Series Begins September 18th 2018

Please send your first solo email and posts the week of September 11 - 17.

Email/Newsletter Copy

Below are some ideas of what to include in your newsletter:

Solo Summit Email - send out on or before Sept 17th

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Open Up! Personal Growth Starts Here

Your Future Starts Here

How to Lead Your Way to Personal Growth

Is Your Leadership Effective?

Do You Want to Be a More Effective Leader?

We Need Your Leadership Skills

Put Your Leadership Skills to the Test

  Suggested Email Copy

Hi [First_Name]

Think about this...

 "You are very powerful, provided that you know how powerful you are!"  

Yogi Bhajan, an entrepreneur who really understood the importance of conscious leadership, said that when he brought Kundalini Yoga to the USA in 1969 and subsequently established several successful ventures.  

And it summarizes the power of this opportunity I want to share with you.

I am participating in a f.r.e.e. online summit that promotes and showcases the values of conscious leadership -- including over 20 interviews with amazing leaders, bestselling authors and visionaries from around the world. 

I’m also excited to share this with you because many of you have told me lately about your challenges and this summit is full of amazing content that addresses what you are dealing with.

Get access NOW>> [YOUR REG LINK HERE] 

The Summit begins on September 18th!

You’ll learn how to become a more effective through:

  • Harnessing the power of community
  • Expanding your personal growth and mindset
  • Awareness of what’s at the center of all great leadership

Best of all, this online summit is F.R.E.E.! My gift to you!

Don’t miss your chance – spots are limited, so register here >> [YOUR REG LINK HERE]


P.S. My interview is on XXXXXXXXXXX so get your complimentary front row seat now!

Solo Email - For day before Your Summit Appearance (see schedule)

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Open Up! Personal Growth Starts Here

Your Future Starts Here

How to Lead Your Way to Personal Growth

Is Your Leadership Effective?

Do You Want to Be a More Effective Leader?

We Need Your Leadership Skills

Put Your Leadership Skills to the Test

  Suggested Email Copy

Hi [First_Name]

Something tells me that you might be interested in this new project I’ve been working on…and you can catch my segment today on the 2017 Conscious Leadership Summit!

There are still a few online seats left. Register Now!


Best of all, it’s FREE! My gift to you!

You’ll learn how to become a more effective leader through:

  • How to harness the power of community
  • The effect a positive mindset has your personal growth
  • What’s at the center of all great leadership

We have limited space available, and I wanted to let you know before it’s too late! Don’t miss out – you can register right here: 


Hope to see you there!


Newsletter Blurb

  Suggested Email Copy

I’ll be taking part in the online 2017 Conscious Leadership Summit, where I contribute to a whole series of videos about what it takes to be an effective leader in today’s world. The summit begins on September 18th and best of all is FREE - my gift to you.  I’m honored to be teaming up with twenty other amazing and enlightening leaders from around the world to truly bring you the best advice there is. There's still space for you, but online seats are limited so register now: [REGISTRATION LINK HERE]