SpeakerTunity Sheets®

Hundreds of speaking opportunities in YOUR community are just waiting for you to TAKE THE STAGE!

If inspired, please share with your tribe. Thank you for your support of my campaign!

Email/Newsletter Copy

Below are some ideas of what to include in your newsletter:

Letter #2

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Solving Your Problem 

  Suggested Email Copy


So I keep hearing from people who say “I really should do a speaker one-sheet to help me get booked for speaking gigs, but…”

And there are all kinds of procrastination after that. But I think one of the biggest things is people don’t know what to put together for it and they really don’t know how to get it designed inexpensively.

Well, SpeakerTunity Sheets™ has solved both of those problems! Created by SpeakerTunity™, the Speaker Resource Company, this 5-step solution is truly simple 

Follow the instructions of what to gather up and send, pick a design template and two colors and it’s done! It’s that easy!

Oh, and if you happen to need a 1–page Podcast Introduction Sheet, they can do that, too! 

Grab your SpeakerTunity Sheet™ now and stop procrastinating! 

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(Your Signature)

Letter #3

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Need a Slick Podcast Introduction Sheet to Ramp Up Your Bookings? 

  Suggested Email Copy


It’s all the rage!

Leaders who want to get booked on podcasts love to use a beautifully-designed one-sheet summary of their expertise and their suggested topics to slim down the booking process. Podcasters are notoriously short of time and attention-span, to make it easy on them.

But getting one of these done on your own could be expensive.

Hey, I’ve got a very cool solution. SpeakerTunity™, the Speaker Resource Company has created SpeakerTunitySheets™ to get you your Podcast Introduction Sheet fast and affordably.

Just select a template and 2 colors, send them your bio, media topics and images—you’ll be seeing your professionally-designed handout in no time!

Go to SpeakerTunitySheet™ and get started!

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(Your Signature)

2 ways to Promote SpeakerTunity Sheets

  Suggested Email Copy

There are two ways to promote SpeakerTunity Sheets.  

1.  You can promote this using the emails and/or swipe copy provided here in this campaign

2. Use our webinar to drive people to sign up.

For Websites and Resource Pages

  Suggested Email Copy

For Websites and Resource Pages

SpeakerTunity Sheets™ 

In order to impress a speaking opportunity decision-maker today—whether it’s at the local level, a national association or major event stage, you need to have a professional looking Speaker One-Sheet that showcases you. 

And while you can pitch podcasters with a text-driven pitch letter, it’s even cooler when you can give them a beautifully-designed summary of your expertise and your suggested topics.

But hiring a graphic designer to put it all together can be expensive.

So SpeakerTunity™  saw a way to make it simple, easy and affordable! 

Select from among the offered templates, choose your colors, give them your requested copy and images—and Voilà! A finished document that will impress any decision maker.

SpeakerTunity™ Sheet sheets will make it easy for you to start getting booked consistently! 

Get Your 2-Page Speaker One-Sheet Designed for $349


Get Your 1-Page Podcast Introduction Sheet for $299

Your Link

Letter #1

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Need a Speaker One-Sheet or Podcaster Intro Sheet Designed Quick?

  Suggested Email Copy


Have you been struggling with how to get a Speaker One-Sheet or Podcaster Intro Sheet designed –quickly and without breaking the bank?

I’ve got a great solution for you! SpeakerTunity™, the Speaker Resource Company, has created SpeakerTunity Sheets™--a service that will take your bio, presentation description or media topic, and images-- and give you back a finished professionally-designed product!

Quickly and very affordably!

Follow a simple 5-Step Process!   No headaches or hassle…You select the design template and colors.

Get your designs today through SpeakerTunity Sheets™ and start getting booked consistently! 

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(Your Signature)