8 Ways to Sabatoge Your Speaker One-Sheet Webinar

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Every speaker needs a great Speaker One-Sheet …but beware! There are 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet. Watch this new webinar from my friend and colleague Jackie Lapin and learn how to avoid them! (link)

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Watch this webinar 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet from my friend and colleague Jackie Lapin, who knows the score on getting booked, and can guide you to create the Speaker One-Sheet you deserve! (link)

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With all the virtual speaking opportunities now abounding, you really need a good Speaker One-Sheet to start racking up those gigs. But before you start crafting one, watch this really cool short webinar and discover the 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet (link)

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Every speaker needs a great Speaker One-Sheet …but beware! There are 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet. Watch this new webinar from my friend and colleague Jackie Lapin and learn how to avoid them! (link)

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Watch this webinar 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet from my friend and colleague Jackie Lapin, who knows the score on getting booked, and can guide you to create the Speaker One-Sheet you deserve! (link)

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With all the virtual speaking opportunities available, you really need a good Speaker One-Sheet to start racking up those gigs. But before you start crafting one, watch this short webinar, the 8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet (link)

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