Soul Cyphers

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Book Excerpts

Below are short excerpts from the book to include in your newsletter or blog:

  Book Excerpt 1: Honesty

“If you’re on a road that leads nowhere, there is always time to change direction. You just have to follow love’s light out of the shadows of despair. The choice is always in your hands, but it needs to be in your heart also. Whether you’re on a mountain of success, or you’ve hit rock bottom, the heavens are always above you. Have you taken the time to look up lately? Just as a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, a journey in love never ends, but it does require that you take that first step in the right direction—no matter how small. “


  Book Excerpt: Reverse Climbs

“Day cannot exist without night; and darkness cannot exist without light. But, light only contains shadows of the darkness, and darkness ceases to exist the moment light is shined on it. Truth is that light. When you speak honestly, Divine truth and heavenly love will flow from your lips. 

You may speak the truth, or you may speak from truth. The difference? Speaking the truth sometimes results in the loss of earthly love, while speaking from the truth in your heart encompasses a love for humanity that cannot be lost. The truth may hurt for a little while, but lies can leave permanent scars on the hearts of everyone you’ve touched with them. There’s only one truth written for you in the Universe. 

Fear is never part of that text, so don’t ever edit it into your life. Lastly, be yourself. After all, who else can be you? Strive to be true to yourself, but don’t keep that truth between you and God; share this beauty with the rest of the world by unleashing all the love in your heart.”


  Soul Cyphers Press Kit

Robert Clancy’s latest work, Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness will be released on October 3rd, 2017. Following the success of his past books, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul, and Daily Downloads & Fortune Cookies from the Universe, Robert wrote Soul Cyphers in response to the fans and followers who have contacted him, asking for ways they can implement his valuable lessons into their own lives. In Soul Cyphers, Robert has included “Decodes” at the end of each chapter, so that every reader can fully extract lessons from each inspirational story and work them into their own lives. Not only that, but Robert has included in Soul Cyphers a deeply spiritual and life changing encounter that he experienced himself at the age of 19.

Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope & Happiness is about leading you toward the creation of a joyful, balanced life. With the right tools, you can be empowered to “decode” the cyphers of your life, moving you into greater well-being and wholeness.

Soul Cyphers helps you...

  • Gain a greater sense of fulfillment 
  • Learn to communicate from your heart 
  • Discover your true worth
  • Live with purpose and meaning
  • Find a true path for joyful living

To book or schedule interviews: or Ph: 518-326-1135 x11

Press Kit PDF