E-Biz Card

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For Websites and Resource Pages

  Suggested Email Copy

For Websites and Resource Pages

SpeakerTunity Speaker Ebiz Card®


A Speaker Needs a Way to Easily and Effectively Deliver Your Contact and Portfolio of Products to Individuals and Collective Audiences in Seconds!

Enter….The SpeakerTunity Speaker Ebiz Card®

Replacing -- and far exceeding --- the traditional paper business card, this Ebiz Card meets all of a speaker’s needs for:

  • delivering from stage

  • providing online in your signature

  • phone-to-phone transfer

  • verbally directing the audience with a quick URL

  • fast posting in a chat box

  • and numerous other direct contact applications

But here’s why it’s MORE... It has easy tabs for Products, Offers and Funnels clickable from mobile device or website. This means DIRECT PRODUCT SALES OR OPT IN!  And you can include VIDEO, branding elements, and incentives to start building a lucrative relationship!

A fully digital Basic EBiz Card within just 10 days for $400

Get Busy with Your SpeakerTunity Speaker Ebiz Card®

And see your business thrive!

(Your Link)

Email #1

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

A Simple Solution for a Pesky Problem for Speakers

  Suggested Email Copy


How in the world do you replace the staid old business card in the digital era—and deliver a full slate of valuable resources and contact information in a branded way from a virtual or live stage, podcast or even a virtual networking meeting?

You do it with a SpeakerTunity Speaker EBiz Card® from our friends at SpeakerTunity®!

If you’re ready to advance into our new virtual world of connection, this Speaker Ebiz Card will enable you -- with just a very short url delivered verbally, with keystroke or phone to phone  -- to encapsulate the thrill of you, your brand and your work.

You’ll have a video showcase, plus easy tabs for products, offers, funnels, scheduling links, contacts and more-- all clickable from mobile device or website.

Ready to explore more? …(Your Link)

More client engagement awaits!

(Your signature) 

Email #2

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Your Business Card Come to Life!

  Suggested Email Copy


What if I told you that with a short url delivered verbally, with keystroke or phone to phone  -- you can exposure one person -- or even a roomful of prospective clients -- to a full slate of your expertise branded to perfection in miniature. A business card come to life! 

As a speaker, you need a fast way to get your contact information into people’s hands, but what about including a video, products, offers, funnels, scheduling links and more-- all clickable from mobile device or website.

That’s now all possible in the SpeakerTunity Speaker EBiz Card®!

This powerful digital platform, from our friends at SpeakerTunity®,enables you to create more contact faster, so you will have a two way connection with your prospects. This is way beyond a text-for-lead magnet. It’s a small scale mobile website—slimmed down with only the most impactful content for immediate action.   

Intrigued? Follow this link to learn more.. (Your Link)

(Your signature) 

Email #3

  Suggested Email Subject Lines

Taking Prospective Client Connection to the Next Level Faster

  Suggested Email Copy


There’s a revolution going out there—You might have noticed!

And this digital revolution has spilled over into the speaker world in numerous ways—and most recently with the evolution of the business card from two-dimensional paper to dynamic virtual platform.

And someone’s already got you covered there! The SpeakerTunity Speaker EBiz Card®, from our friends at SpeakerTunity®, gives you an easy way to be you up-close-and-personal with everyone in the room, even if you are on stage! 

Deliver a simple url and they will experience your branded impact with video, products, offers, funnels, scheduling links, contacts and more-- all clickable from mobile device or website.

You can also use it for podcasts, masterminds, virtual networking and more!

For a quick look at what this means to you, just click here to explore… (Your Link)

(Your signature)